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Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Jordan -amman

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖1)-速報App

Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats‏

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖2)-速報App

Binaural Beats Alpha Waves – Relaxing Brainwaves with Soothing Music for Calming and Meditation

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖3)-速報App

What are Beta Waves, and how can they help you?

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖4)-速報App

Beta waves are a type of brain waves associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic, critical reasoning and problem solving. Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning of your mind throughout the whole day and they dominate your normal state of attention and cognition.

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖5)-速報App

Beta Waves is an app that allows you to recreate that sound, helping you to focus and solve tasks in a more effective way. Beta Waves can emits a waveform at 25 Hz: start the frequency and adjust it to your liking by moving your finger across the slider placed on the sound-wave at the center of the screen. You can start the wave emission by pressing the Beta button on the top left when you need to stimulate your mental activity; you will notice a significant change in the quality of your focus and alertness while you use it. We strongly suggest the use of headphones or quality speakers while using it.

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖6)-速報App

To help you stimulate your mind even better, we added several in-App functions. You can choose to add 7 very mind stimulating electronic songs and 5 ambient noises to focus more. The built-in timer allows you to set how much the app will play. You also can change the background color through your settings: choose among 5 Beta Wave inspired tones. By purchasing the full version of the app, you can unlock and enjoy all of these functions and improve your experience.

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖7)-速報App

We put a lot of thought and passion in creating Beta Waves, and we hope that by using it many people will discover the power of brainwave entrainment and isochronic tones. Use it frequently to get your mind trained and focused.

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖8)-速報App

Alpha Waves Improve Your Memory(圖9)-速報App